An easier 'why' has reared its head at the start of this blog. It's simple and, like all why's, it must be asked- Quid blogare volo? (Why do I want to blog- and yes, I do in fact believe that the Romans used 'blogare' as the infinitive 'to blog'). Well, the answer is complicated as are most- but to put it simply- I think I want to talk consistently in a way that comes more naturally to me i.e. writing rather than talking. I want to see what it is that I think about practical and non-practical things. In the mind of a (7), movement from one idea to the next is faster than mental apparatus can grasp and remember each idea. The only way to hold onto things thought, for me, is to write them down and reread them, or have them fortuitously (or not so fortuitously) re-occur. This is an attempt at helping recurrence. Also, you cannot lose a blog (but you can lose a journal or 7). (Unless you forget the password, which unfortunately, in Peru, happened to us).
Also, another reason could be that here, in Scotland, I feel less of myself because I am less with like-minded people whom I love and by whom I am loved. This is an attempt to be known far away. I appreciate everyone who has blogs to let me see what they would be telling me over coffee or just sitting on their bed talking.
Well, If this was a ship I would christen her (the word christen is amazing) but since it's not, let's pretend it is (because that makes the most sense).
"I name this ship Over Iris and may she bring fair winds and good fortune to all who sail on her." Or
"I name this ship Over Iris may God bless her and all who sail in her."Now, standard procedure would be to break champagne over her (or wine). Which I will act out now.
Well, that business is done! And here we go!
(Interestingly, the Titanic was never christened and the USS Arizona was only christened with water... superstitious? maybe. but, what's wrong with erring on the side of caution)
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